4. Understanding Loans
A Loan Calculator
We created a Loan Calculator using some basic loan data - amount, interest rate, and duration in years - along with Cell Names and the PMT Financial Function. The PMT Function is a powerful tool in Excel. Knowing how to use it will help you to analyze loans to see whether the conditions of a particular loan are good for you or not.
We used a interesting technique, Naming Cells. This operation has two very distinct advantages: first, it allows us to create a formula using words in English rather than simply using Cell References, which can sometimes be confusing; second, the cell's name actually is an Absolute Reference, wherever and however it is used in your worksheet!!
Using a Data Table for Analysis
Seeing how spreadsheet answers vary with changes to the spreadsheet's input is called 'Sensitivity Analysis'. It's a way of asking Excel 'what-if' questions, where you want to see a variety of answers. A DATA TABLE allows you to see and compare the results of a formula for several different values. A one-input data table lets you vary the value in one cell. A two-input data table lets you vary the values in two cells.
We created a one-input data table based on different interest rates to help us understand the effect of each rate on the Monthly Payment, the Total Interest, and the Total Cost of a loan. Understanding the answers, and knowing how they affect you, helps you to make smarter financial decisions.
Materials Covered: MS Excel - Project 4:
Financial Functions, Data Tables, and Amortization Schedules, pp 266-294
First CaseGrader Assignment
You will need CaseGrader: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to do the following:
Case 1:
We created a Loan Calculator using some basic loan data - amount, interest rate, and duration in years - along with Cell Names and the PMT Financial Function. The PMT Function is a powerful tool in Excel. Knowing how to use it will help you to analyze loans to see whether the conditions of a particular loan are good for you or not.
We used a interesting technique, Naming Cells. This operation has two very distinct advantages: first, it allows us to create a formula using words in English rather than simply using Cell References, which can sometimes be confusing; second, the cell's name actually is an Absolute Reference, wherever and however it is used in your worksheet!!
Using a Data Table for Analysis
Seeing how spreadsheet answers vary with changes to the spreadsheet's input is called 'Sensitivity Analysis'. It's a way of asking Excel 'what-if' questions, where you want to see a variety of answers. A DATA TABLE allows you to see and compare the results of a formula for several different values. A one-input data table lets you vary the value in one cell. A two-input data table lets you vary the values in two cells.
We created a one-input data table based on different interest rates to help us understand the effect of each rate on the Monthly Payment, the Total Interest, and the Total Cost of a loan. Understanding the answers, and knowing how they affect you, helps you to make smarter financial decisions.
Materials Covered: MS Excel - Project 4:
Financial Functions, Data Tables, and Amortization Schedules, pp 266-294
First CaseGrader Assignment
You will need CaseGrader: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to do the following:
Case 1:
- Read CaseGrader textbook pages ix in the text to get the overview of CaseGrader exercises.
- Go to the CoursePort Website at: http://login.course.com
- If you haven't yet done so, add CaseGrader and your text's Keycode to your account, followed by Joining the class with the Class Code: 7DD18525.
- Select CaseGrader and go to the page containing a listing of the Cases
- Select Case 1: Getting Started with Excel, Newleaf Paper Company - Calculating Employee Bonuses
- Download and save Case 1
- Follow the directions exactly while working on the spreadsheet.
- When you've completed all the steps, save your file, then upload and submit your worksheet for grading.
- From your GradeBook, generate the Summary Report to see a detailed report of how you did on each step.
- Note: If you find errors that you made, you may make corrections to your worksheet and submit your file more than once, until you're satisfied with the results. I will only count the highest grade, so you have nothing to lose by trying until you succeed!
- In your journal, write a short note letting me know what you think of the value of this experience. Thanks.
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